vimdoc project

I've decided to make everything right and reduce the mess under my vim configuration. First of ideas came into my head was to start with documentation.

Easy say than done, I always hated to compose documentation lines. But this time I've managed to combine tools I like: markdown inside vim configuration.

Let me give you example here how it looks like:

" ### Filetypes
" - [vim-nagios]( plugin provides syntax
"   highlight for [Nagios]( monitoring configuration
"   files. `Plug 'tejr/vim-nagios', { 'for': 'nagios' }` line is used to provide
"   this plugin to be enabled only for `nagios` files. Could be enabled by
"   setting filetype explicitly with `:set filetype=nagios`.
  Plug 'tejr/vim-nagios', { 'for': 'nagios' }

" - [wting/rust.vim]( plugin brings `rust`
"   support to vim.
  Plug 'wting/rust.vim', { 'for': 'rust' }

Here's the script which takes documentation out of .vimrc files:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

cat $FILENAME | grep '^\s*"' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*" //' | sed -e 's/^"//'

The whole plugin section is finished and available here

Written on January 18, 2016